National Winter Skin Relief Day!

Winter is here, the time of the year when our skin gets the beating from the cold.  Today is National Winter Skin Relief Day.  This day is observed annually on January 8th.

During the winter season, our skin gets the beating and today is all about bringing awareness to care for our skin from withering effect of the harsh weather.  When the weather temperature drops, we suffer from chop lips and dry skin.  The skin is the biggest organ in the body and it is always noticeable by everyone, so we need to take care of our skin and pay attention to the signs of skin dryness.

Joshua Zeichner MD, Director of Cosmetic & Clinical Research at Mount Sinai Hospital, recommends a few tips to keep our skin hydrated during the cold weather.  Taking a short hot shower is one tip we can take note because the heat strips the skins natural oils causing inflammation and causes it to crack.  Lukewarm water is fine and do not use soap with so many chemicals, always read the labels for harsh chemicals.  Remember not to scrub, just pat the skin dry.

The best way to keep our skin looking healthy is to remember to put some lotion every time after each shower and when you are about to head out, remember to wear layers to protect your skin from the bittering cold and don’t forget to always hydrate.  Dr. Zeichner advises to exfoliate your dry and crack skin by applying cream or ointment with light petroleum, hyaluronic acid, and ceramides, the all-natural fats that make up the grout between the skin cell tiles.

Maintaining healthy skin can be very difficult, especially during the cold winter season. Switching from the dry weather outside to using heaters indoors can strip the moisture away from your skin.  So, today, celebrate this day by spreading awareness to take care of your skin during the winter season.  Share on social media some tips and tricks to caring for our skin using #WinterSkinReliefDay.

1978 Harvey Milk becomes the first openly gay person elected to public office in California

Harvey Milk, the first openly gay elected official in the history of California, takes his place on the San Francisco Board of Supervisors on January 8, 1978. The first and, for years, most visible openly gay politician in America, Milk was a longtime activist and pioneering leader of San Francisco’s LGBT community.

After serving in the Navy during the Korean War, Milk held several white-collar jobs in New York City. Initially conservative and reluctant to advocate for gay rights, Milk’s views changed around the time he and his then-partner opened a camera shop on Castro Street, the heart of San Francisco’s LGBT community, in 1973.

Like many business owners and citizens of the largely-gay Castro District, Milk was harassed by police and local officials. Realizing the community’s burning desire to challenge the status quo, he decided to run for the city’s Board of Supervisors shortly after opening his store. Despite alienating many Democrats, including other gay activists, with his bombastic language and flower-child persona, he won the Castro district handily and came in 10 out of 32 candidates.

(excerpted from