Today we celebrate the seventh annual National Voter Registration Day. This day is observed annually on September 24th which started in 2012.
This day raises awareness to encourage everyone to practice their voting rights. This day is a national holiday to practice democracy. This holiday has been endorsed by the National Association of Secretaries of State (NASS), supported by the National Association of Election Directors (NASED), the U.S. Election Assistance Commission (EAC), and the National Association of Election Official (The Election Center).
Voter registration is the requirement that a person otherwise is eligible to enroll in an electoral roll before they will be entitled to vote. The rules governing registration vary between jurisdictions. Some have “election day registration” and others do not require registration, or may require the production of evidence of entitlement to vote at the time of voting.
A registered person may need to re-register or update their registration if they change resident or other relevant information. In some jurisdiction, when a person registers a change of residence with a government agency, like the driver’s license, the government agency may forward the information to the electoral agency to automatically update the voter registration information.
So, today, celebrate this day by registering to vote, if you have not yet done so, so you can exercise your right to vote on election day. You can find more information at
1964 Warren Commission report delivered to President Johnson
On September 24, 1964, President Lyndon B. Johnson receives a special commission’s report on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, which had occurred on November 22, 1963, in Dallas, Texas.
Since the assassin, Lee Harvey Oswald, was killed by a man named Jack Ruby almost immediately after murdering Kennedy, Oswald’s motive for assassinating the president remained unknown. Seven days after the assassination, Johnson appointed the President’s Commission on the Assassination of President Kennedy to investigate Kennedy’s death. The commission was led by Chief Justice Earl Warren and became known as the Warren Commission. It concluded that Oswald had acted alone and that the Secret Service had made poor preparations for JFK’s visit to Dallas and had failed to sufficiently protect him.
The circumstances surrounding Kennedy’s death, however, have since given rise to several conspiracy theories involving such disparate characters as the Mafia, Cuban exiles, military leaders and even Lyndon Johnson. The Warren Commission’s conclusion that Oswald was a “lone gunman” failed to satisfy some who witnessed the attack and others whose research found conflicting details in the commission’s report. Critics of the Warren Commission’s report believed that additional ballistics experts’ conclusions and a home movie shot at the scene disputed the theory that three bullets fired from Oswald’s gun could have caused Kennedy’s fatal wounds as well as the injuries to Texas Governor John Connally, who was riding with the president in an open car as it traveled through Dallas’ Dealey Plaza that fateful day. So persistent was the controversy that another congressional investigation was conducted in 1979; that committee reached the same conclusion as the Warren Commission.
(excerpted from